3holes (original painting)
36 X 48 acrylic and oil stick on canvas.
th hypnodisks spin and glamour, they wobble on their smeary axis. th veils shred and perforate one another in a constant state of churning contest. sightless maws worm and snake about th aether, consuming and feeding for no discernible purpose, they remain hollow and unfulfilled, only defined by their appetites. th destabilized environment seems to watch itself fall apart, but it holds no volition if it’s own, predators are in control here.
don’t be fooled by whimsical color or cartoonish silhouettes, these horrors are our own, commonplace to a certain kind of vision.
th holes series is a glimpse of our reality. a dimensional iteration that bares true what might only be visible in th magick hour between th worlds of day and night, or in a fleeting glimpse out of th corner of yer eye.
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