4deaths (original painting)
25 X 39 acrylic and oil stick on reclaimed panel.
left to right: fire, earth, water, air.
these are th 4elements of alchemy and magick.
signifiers of powers and personalities. they have different names under different philosophies, but throughout human constructs of all kinds there is a similar whittling down, to sympathies of 4. most everbody has a bit of each and it is commonly presumed that there is a dominant element that describes each being.
but what of th 5th element? spirit? it’s iconography is like an asterisk, or curiosly, th 8 pointed star of Chaos Magick. here, in this painting, it is represented above th 4; peaking out behind th almighty Sun, 5arrows below, 3arrows on top.
th 4elements are things of this realm, but spirit is something more. so I say we die to those 4. we embrace th spirit, and transcend by adopting all to th limit. this rhymes with th theory of th REBIS, th higher form. all in one, complete and whole, nothing partial, we can achieve th great everything. may all that is partial fall unto th Church of Sun. I shall rise in fullness thru th Great Work. begin me again.
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