help me ship my show FUNDRAISER PRINT 5x7
BIG SHOW fundraiser #1
I gotta ship a gallery’s worth of paintings across th continent, and come spring me and th Kitchen Witch gotta drag out there our own selves. but first; th work.
I request yer assistance, if you would be so good. and I’d like to send you a 5x7 print of this painting which will be featured in th show.
quick n dirty style. it’s a fine print to be sure, on linen textured heavy stock, but I’m just gonna throw it in an envelope along with my gratitude.
BIG SHOW details to drop soon, just waiting for th gallery to release a flyer and official promo before I unveil th location and dates. but meantime I gotta ship out around 30 pieces, so big and bulky that I must needs hire a freight company, UPS or whatever can’t hack this one. and th countdown is on. shipping out mid January. 2weeks time.
I thank you for all th support you’ve provided to get me to this point. you did this. I ain’t forget.
INTERNATIONAL okay. no upcharge.
anywhere in th world. I appreciate you.