pantherincrime  LP record  (free art  print included)

pantherincrime LP record (free art print included)


pantherincrime is th debut record by th production wizard who creates th soundscapes featured in ALL my videos. hypnotic and psychedelic these are sounds created to transport th listener.
10 songs.
pressed on 140gm Eco-Mix Brown vinyl.

all copies sold thru my shop will receive an additional print of my painting "miles and miles and miles of smiles V2" signed and printed on linen textured heavy stock.

price is $25 with FREE SHIPPING domestically.
for international orders an additional $15 will be required

pantherincrime  LP record  (free art  print included) Image 2 pantherincrime  LP record  (free art  print included) Image 3 pantherincrime  LP record  (free art  print included) Image 4 pantherincrime  LP record  (free art  print included) Image 5