king worm (original painting) FRAMED

king worm (original painting) FRAMED


24 X 36 acrylic, spray paint, charcoal, wax crayon, gold paint pen, and oil stick on art board.

king⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ worm, conqueror of all.⁣⁣⁣
no one escapes th shadow of its victory. I shall not prevail. you cannot avert its vector. even King Worm of today -it’s crown will fall to another worm tomorrow. there’s always another worm. our world is but their squirming ground, one big dirtclod.⁣⁣⁣
guys guys guys, I know y’all see me and my work and you say “now there’s a guy who’s got it together” I know I know I know. 🙄🥴🤡 but sometimes I get a bit bunched up. for a stoner witch I can be incredibly uptight at times. when I present a painting that is all smeary and messy, truth is, I have crawled over that canvas centimeter by centimeter. those lil drips? chances are I have layered them multiple times to ensure that th color is opaque and vibrant. my work looks pristine and sharp, and on th wall it looks better than a photo which is no small feat. (I have no shame in my pride, I’m a luciferian for godsake) but I can get overly vigilant, and I was starting to lose my “feel”. then I found @crudethings ⁣⁣⁣
this masterful artist and practitioner has filled me with great wonder. her Patreon videos are a masterclass in raw talent. she commands th paint to do inhuman things, watching her paint is to watch magick in action. so I invoked her spirit, reframed my mindset, and knocked out this painting in record time; with a freedom I haven’t allowed myself in far too long. I thank you Lana Guerra, you are an inspiration. and a self manifested entity of great countenance.⁣⁣⁣

price includes frame.
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king worm (original painting) FRAMED Image 2 king worm (original painting) FRAMED Image 3 king worm (original painting) FRAMED Image 4 king worm (original painting) FRAMED Image 5
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